So, I never identify myself as someone with business personalities.
I do not like competitions in general.
Just now, i realized how things you learned daily could really affect you inside......
Last night, a new friend just randomly walked into my apartment and started to chat with me and my dear roommate. Somehow, he mentioned he served his mission in NYC for two years and lived in Brooklyn area.....My roommate and I were impressed, and yelled it out:
My roommate: "Wow! It's so dangerous!"
Me: "Wow! It's so expensive!"
At the same time, exactly.
Really the moment i was thinking how it could be the most expensive rent someone could ever pay, but obviously my roommate's comment was humaner.
Shame on me....Well, that's why I am a business student.
So, we learned "sunk cost" in my finance class, while i noticed there were actually 5 girls out of 40 student in my class.
Sunk cost is simply the cost you spent that should not affect your future decision making.
Like, the TV show I watched last night, how the guy disagreed to break up with her girl friend after spending so much time, love and money on her. He probably noticed they wouldn't fit each other, but still couldn't let it go. He STILL wanted to get married, just as a result.
Dude, the time, love,and money are sunk cost here. It's once done, and gone forever and cannot be recalled. In this way, why don't you make a better-off decision?
If you emotionally cannot let the sunk cost go, you will lose more.
I've always thought that econ comes in handy when you're analyzing relationships so no, I don't think you're crazy at all!